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Wasps can be very annoying and aggravating especially in and around food or drink. Wasp will build their nest from late April in any crack or crevices as long as there is a void behind it. For example; in the eaves of your house, in a garden wall, trees, bushes, attic spaces and chimneys.

Wasps are seasonal and spring sees the emergence of the queen from hibernation who quickly gets to work nest building and lays her first eggs. Nests are often excavated in dry soil or constructed in roof voids. The first workers emerge a few weeks later usually in early June. Summer is spent on construction of the nest and the queen continues to lay eggs and numbers of workers reach in the region of 30,000. New queens are born, numbering 2000 or so and further males are developed to fertilise the new queens.

It is important that you do not go near a live wasp nest as they swarm. If they feel threatened in any way they will sting too, this can be highly dangerous, sometimes leading to major allergic reactions and in very few cases can lead to death, so it is important that you leave it to the experts.

We pride ourselves on our friendly and professional service. We’re a local run family company.

All of our team are fully qualified and insured, and we’re approved by local authorities.

If you require our wasp removal services, or any of our other pest control services, get in touch with us today!